Prenatal courses
To understand the physiological process and meet your own needs in your pregnancy, childbirth and your journey to your motherhood.
5 weekly group classes (60' per class), for £40 and when you finish all the follow-up group meetings you need. We will discuss about
Good evidence and resources to help you make your choices/ care preferences
Coping techniques including oxytocin environment and relaxation.
Pacing yourselves
Labour and Birth process
The basics of birth physiology
Building your comfort kit for your labour
In-depth understanding of what to expect/ a general 'roadmap' of labour
Post birth, the welcome to your baby
The first 2 hours with your newborn
Feeding plan
Stuff for your baby for the first 3 months.
September and January 2021 group are fully booked. Next one available in English for May 2021 and Spanish (Castellano) Abril 2021.